Venture Capital and Investment Funds: A Path to Residency in Europe

Venture Capital and Investment Funds: A Path to Residency in Europe

27th August 2024

For investors aiming to secure residency in Europe, several programs offer appealing investment options with the potential for significant financial returns. While real estate investments remain popular, venture capital, private equity or investment funds are emerging as attractive alternatives, offering additional benefits beyond the typical perks of residency by investment or Golden Visa programs including the potential for substantially higher returns.

Understanding Venture Capital and Investment Funds

Venture capital and investment funds are collective investment vehicles pooling capital from multiple investors to invest in diversified portfolios of assets which are liquid. Venture capital funds typically target early-stage startups and high-growth companies in exchange for equity ownership. In contrast, investment funds cover a broader range of assets, including stocks, bonds, and alternative investments.

Venture capital funds are a qualifying investment for several European golden visa programs. Despite sounding complex, these funds are managed by experts who aim to invest in startups or medium-sized projects with solid growth potential. Some eligible funds operate as private equity funds, investing in more established, revenue-generating companies. Each fund has a specific investment mandate, potentially focusing on sectors like energy, industry, technology, hospitality and healthcare or maintaining a more general investment approach.

Investment Options for European Residency

Many European countries offer residency programs allowing investors to qualify through various investment options, the most popular of which are below:


In October 2023, Portugal discontinued the real estate investment option for its Golden Visa program, redirecting focus towards alternative avenues like venture capital funds. Investors can now qualify by contributing a minimum of EUR 500,000 to approved investment or venture capital funds that are designed to capitalize on companies with high growth potential. These investments must comply with specific Portuguese regulations and be managed by certified professionals to meet the Golden Visa requirements. The funds must allocate at least 60% to Portuguese ventures and be held for a minimum of five years, fostering economic activity across various sectors.


Greece offers several capital investment options for residency, including a EUR 800,000 investment in Greek government bonds, shares, bonds, or treasury bills held for at least three years. Alternatively, investors can contribute EUR 400,000 to a capital company or venture fund established in Greece or another EU country targeting investments in Greece. These options may become increasingly attractive following the Greek government’s announcement to raise its real estate investment threshold from EUR 250,000 to EUR 400,000 effective September 1st 2024.


In Spain, applicants under the Golden Visa Program can choose to make capital investments, including a minimum of EUR 1,000,000 in quoted or unquoted shares, bank deposits, or investment funds, alongside the popular real estate option, which starts at EUR 500,000. Alternatively, investments can be directed toward business projects of public interest. Although no minimum amount is explicitly required for these projects, they undergo rigorous assessment for viability and impact and must align with strategic economic sectors identified by the Spanish government.


Malta’s Golden Visa program includes options outside real estate transactions, such as financial asset contributions, where investors can directly invest in government-approved funds with a minimum contribution of EUR100,000.


Cyprus also allows investments other than real estate, such as EUR 300,000 in the share capital of a Cypriot company or units of a Cypriot Collective Investment Organization. Investments must generate employment for at least five people, and funds are regulated by the Cypriot Securities and Exchange Commission.


Italy’s Investor Visa offers several investment options including a minimum of EUR 2 million in government bonds, EUR 500,000 in corporate bonds or shares, or EUR 250,000 in innovative startups, which must be government-approved and have a clear business plan. Additionally, they must be registered in the special section of the Italian Companies Register dedicated to innovative enterprises—meaning not just any startup will qualify.

Benefits of Venture Capital and Investment Funds

Investing in venture capital and investment funds offers numerous advantages for those seeking European residency. Firstly, investors obtain a diversified portfolio, allowing for size and asset allocation flexibility and reducing the risk associated with individual investments.

Venture capital investments in startups and high-growth companies also offer the potential for significant returns. Investors can also benefit from assigned fund managers overseeing investments and conducting thorough due diligence to maximize returns and mitigate risks.

There are also tax advantages and a certain level of protection. In Portugal, profits from these funds are tax-exempt, ensuring greater capital growth. Funds eligible for the Golden Visa are also regulated, ensuring compliance and investor protection.

Considerations for Investors

Before committing to venture capital or investment funds, investors must fully understand the associated risks. While venture capital investments can yield substantial returns, they also carry high risks, particularly with early-stage startups. It is crucial for potential investors to understand this risk before investing their capital. This highlights the importance of thoroughly researching fund managers, investment strategies, track records, sector focus, and underlying assets to ensure alignment with investment objectives. Additionally, seeking professional advice on the legal and tax implications in both Europe and the investor’s home country is essential. Tax advantages and regulations vary widely across countries, it is essential for investors to seek professional legal and financial advice tailored to their specific situations.

Nevertheless, venture capital and investment funds offer attractive options for those seeking European residency through diversified portfolios managed by experienced professionals. Investors can generate substantial returns while fulfilling residency program requirements. However, thorough due diligence, risk assessment, and professional advice are crucial to making informed decisions aligned with financial and residency goals.

Citizenship Invest’s team has successfully managed over $2 billion in Private Equity and Venture Capital investments across Europe and globally, along with over $30 billion in Investment funds. With extensive due diligence, deep expertise, and a vast network, our team brings unparalleled experience and knowledge to every investment opportunity.

Contact us today to begin your investment journey

Source - Citizenship Invest